
Long live the bonus family! We helped bring Felix Herngren's beloved comedy series to the big screen.

What we did

Brand guidelines, visuals, artwork design and advertising




Memorable content beyond the screen

In close collaboration with the team and Sweden's funniest ensemble of actors, we produced a wide range of material, including movie posters, out-of-home (OOH) advertising, opening and closing credits and digital material.

As part of this entertaining endeavor, we developed motion content featuring some actors outside the film script.

Explore more of our work
Frank logo black

frank fam.

Our studio is located in Stockholm but our clients span across the globe. If you're interested in exploring a new project, just reach out. We look forward to hearing from you.

Frank fam. HQ

Sankt Eriksterrassen 72
11244 Stockholm, Sweden


We're all about surrounding ourselves with the right people. Don't hesitate to get in touch.


Whether you're envisioning new concepts for your brand or looking for a new job, we're ready to engage and collaborate with you.