Valsea Technology needed to distinguish themselves from competitors and to attract new tech savvy talents. Our mission was clear: transform them into the coolest employer with the most enticing offerings.
Brand Strategy, Brand plattform, Brand identity, Webdesign, Tonality
Art Director, UX/UI

Who are we talking to?
Our first step was to truly understand the audience throug an insightful discovery phase. We initiated the project with qualitative interviews involving employees and comprehensive surveys within the tech industry. This endeavor led us to identify 5 key parameters for success in engaging this ssought-after talent. We mapped their personality traits and identified what mattered most in their lives.
What about Valsea?
Armed with these insights, we crafted a new and updated brand identity. We formulated a Philosophy, Vision, Purpose, and Values. More crucially, we identified the attributes that needed to shine through on their website.

Introducing the New Valsea Technology
Infused with attributes like Smart, Confident, Professional with a rock star quality, we thoroughly designed a digital communication channel that captivates every visitor. Our deep interviews provided the roadmap, enabling the team to unleash their creativity and craft an exceptionally well-crafted webpage.
The culmination of this strategic journey is a brand that not only stands out but also resonates with the target talent.
Valsea Technology has transformed into the essence of a forward-thinking, dynamic employer, successfully attracting and retaining the best in the industry.